eCAT Faculty Members
Center Directors
Honorary Director, eCAT CenterÂ
Professor of Computer Science, IEEE Fellow
Research Interests: Edge Computing, Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving, Mobile and Connected Health
Director, eCAT CenterÂ
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IEEE Fellow
Research Interests: Renewable/Alternative Energy Systems and System Integration, Electric Drive Vehicles
Wayne State University
WSU Site Director
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Renewable/Alternative Energy Systems and System Integration, Electric Drive Vehicles
WSU Site Co-Director
Director of Education and Workforce Development, eCAT center
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Real-Time Systems, Connected Autonomous Driving Systems
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: cloud and edge computing, parallel and distributed algorithms, approximation algorithms
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Cyber-physical systems, Energy-aware systems, Internet-of-Things, Edge Computing, Embedded and real-time systems
Industry Liaison (WSU Site)
Director of Corporate Relations (Wayne State University)
University of North Texas
UNT Site Director
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Cyberinfrastructures, Edge Computing, Distributed Systems, Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Machine Learning
UNT Site Co-Director
Director of Outreach and Communication, eCAT center
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: connected and autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things, network security and privacy.
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Research Interests: Embedded Systems, Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Machine Learning
Reinburg Endowed Professor of Information Science
Research Interests: Data Science and Engineering, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Biomedical Computation
Clarkson University
Clarkson Site Director
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Eng
Research Interests: Processor architecture, Embedded Systems, Power/Energy-aware computing
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: autonomous vehicles and robotics
Professor / Chair of Mathematics Mathematics
Research Interests: complex networks, epidemiological modeling and power systems
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics
Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Eng
Research Interests: power quality, power distribution, power electronics, and power system protection