Electric, Connected and Autonomous Technologies for MobilityOur Vision
To build a world-class industry-university research center for sustainable mobility technologies.
Our Mission
The eCAT IUCRC center intends to develop and deploy next-generation electrification, resilient sensing/perception, real-time edge computing, and smart infrastructure techniques to achieve higher safety and efficiency, aiming to initiate and accelerate the transformation of mobility methods from conventional vehicles to electric, connected and autonomous vehicles by creating essential and innovative technologies.
Strategic Directions
1. Connected and Autonomous Vehicles/Robots (CAV)
Edge-based Mapping and Localization
Hardware architecture for emerging CAV applications
Hardware/software/control co-optimization
ML-driven SLAM algorithms
Edge data analytics for connected vehicles
CAV security and resilient computing systems
CAV computing and interface standards
CAV simulation environment and real-world testbeds
Machine Learning system optimization for autonomous vehicles
Multi-agent based optimization
2. Infrastructure
Vehicle-edge-cloud multilayer infrastructure
Wireless communication infrastructure for CAV
Smart transportation and charging infrastructure
Electrification and battery management
3. Mobility solutions
Teleoperations for autonomous driving
Equitable mobility solutions
Real-time charging scheduling scheme for autonomous fleet
What is NSF IUCRC?
The NSF Industry–University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) program accelerates the impact of basic research through close relationships between industry innovators, world-class academic teams, and government leaders. IUCRCs are designed to help corporate partners and government agencies connect directly and efficiently with university researchers to achieve three primary objectives.
Conduct high-impact research to meet shared industrial needs in companies of all sizes;
Enhance U.S. global leadership in driving innovative technology development, and;
Identify, mentor and develop a diverse high-tech, exceptionally skilled workforce.
The IUCRC program provides a structure for academic researchers to conduct fundamental, pre-competitive research of shared interest to industry and government organizations. These organizations pay membership fees to a consortium so that they can collectively envision and fund research, with at least 90% of member funds allocated to the direct costs of these shared research projects.
Universities, academic researchers, and students benefit from IUCRC participation through the research funding, the establishment and growth of industrial partnerships, and educational and career placement opportunities for students. Industry members benefit by accessing knowledge, facilities, equipment, and intellectual property in a highly cost-efficient model; leveraging Center research outcomes in their future proprietary projects; interacting in an informal, collaborative way with other private sector and government entities with shared interests; and identifying and recruiting talent.
For more information, please visit https://iucrc.nsf.gov/about/
Why join eCAT?
Saving pre-competitive R&D cost
NSF will match dollar for dollar. If your company decides to join eCAT, NSF will match your annual membership fee, thus, effectively doubling the amount of funding.
eCAT members have access to all research projects and IPs generated by the whole eCAT center.
Serving on the IAB board will allow you to decide what projects are executed in the eCAT center.
Connection within the eCAT Ecosystem
Shared IPs give your company early access to projects that might benefit your company in making strategic decisions.
Collaborating with potential Tier 1s and OEMs gives your company a potential connection and see where the industry is headed.
Low University Overhead
Traditionally, universities charge more than 50% overhead for contracts. With eCAT IUCRC, the maximum overhead is 10%.
Early access to talents
Ph.D, Masters, and undergraduate students working in the center are familiar with problems defined by our IAB advisory board.
In light of a partnership between Wayne State University (WSU), the University of North Texas (UNT), and Clarkson University (Clarkson), the center not only serves as an apparatus of academic researchers collaborating with industry on problems of high national and international importance but also provides industry partners the opportunities to access the most advanced synergic research produced from a diverse group of researchers. The center's mission will be achieved through the following complementary research thrusts:
Research Thrust #1: Vehicle-Edge-Cloud platform and prototype development.
Research Thrust #2: Electric vehicle modeling, simulation, controls, testing, and optimization.
Research Thrust #3: Autonomous system design, implementation, integration and testing.
Research Thrust #4: Infrastructure for connectivity and safety.